Scott E. Beard is a graduate of Greenbrier East High School and Long Island University living in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Scott is an established and well-respected expert in his industry and a passionate supporter of his local community. This is evidenced by his strong sponsorship of Greenbrier County’s Work Based Learning Program and as an Education Partner at GEHS. He is currently mentoring a STEM Team at GEHS on multiple engineering based projects as well as providing internships for two former GEHS students from the engineering program.
As CEO and President of his company, Scott’s leadership skills have fortified Four-jaks Inc. into a dominant position among its competitors. His manufacturing company provides numerous products both domestically and internationally and holds 5 US Patents for products for the fenestration industry. His company designs products, builds tooling, does injection molding, metal stamping, die casting and powder coating from their two facilities in Greenbrier County. By providing 25+ years of assembly work and training for the mentally and physically disabled, his company was awarded the West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Private Enterprise Recognition Award in 2011.